Patrick Dixon;136722 Wrote: 
> I'm pretty sure this is intended behaviour (why would you want it any
> other way?).

This is a shame. I like to keep the few MP3s I have separate from my
Flacs and not mix the two formats. This is neat and has never caused me
problems as previously all files have been held in an alums directory
and each albums has contained wholly flac foilkes or wholly MP3s.
However in this case the various complication albums of 70s and 80 pop
have so much dross on them that I thought it better to just keep the
tracks I like and dump the others. As I cannot get all the tracks I
want in Flac format I have to make do with MP3 for some of the rarer
ones. I'd rather not put these in amongst my Flac files. I'd like them
to appear as one album though (yeah I know I could make a playlist but
I tend to use albums and genres more than playlists and using an album
tag means I not have to muck around adding individual tracks to
playlists as I add them to my music disk).
I hope that makes sense Patrick.

I suppose SlimServer organises it the way it does is to make sure that
albums that have the same name do not get all their tracks dumped under
one album heading. Bummer.

if anyone can suggest a hack that will still enable me to keep my Flacs
and MP3s separte but still play them all as one album, I'd be grateful.
The only hack I can think of is to create a bespoke genre - 80s Pop
Singles, which is what I'll have to do unless I can think of anything
else (I'd prefer the genre to stay as Pop though).


Why does it always happen to me?

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