On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 11:29:50AM -0700, richieeee_ricardo wrote:

> I don't have a Squeezebox yet, but do you just enter in the URL with
> your premiumtv account number on it, in to the Squeezebox, to get the
> radio stream? Is it that simple?

Not quite that simple - you have to work out another URL, and then
enter that into the squeezebox. From memory (I can't log in to the web
pages at the moment), to get the other URL, you need to:

- Go to the audio commentary page (the one that just lists all the
that's playing that day), and view the source of the page. I can't
remember if you can just view the source of the whole page, or if you
need to right click over the link and do 'This Frame', 'View Source'.

- Search through the source code for the text that describes the game
you want to listen to. Just before that description, you should see an
encoded URL that looks similar to:

- To decode this URL, do the following:
1) replace %3A with :
2) replace %3F with ?
3) replace %3D with =
4) swap all remaining letters with the letter 13 places away from it in
   the alphabet - so replace 'a' with 'n', and 'n' with 'a'. Similarly
   swap 'b' and 'o', 'c' and 'p' and so on all the way through to 'm'
   and 'z'.

You should now have what looks like a normal URL, beginning with
http:// as you'd expect. This is the URL you need to give to
slimserver to play the commentary. I use the 'radio tune in' option on
the webpage to do this, but I guess you could put the URL into a
playlist to make it possible to play via the remote. The URL stays the
same for each game, so you only need to do all the above once.

Interestingly, you'll note that this URL doesn't have your subscription
info in it, so you can play the audio without having to go through the
usual login process. Which means it's quite easy to completely forget
the password you need to use to view the premium web pages, explaining
why I said I had to give all these instructions from memory. Apologies
if they're not totally accurate...


|   Andrew Booker    "A careful man tries to dodge the bullets |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         While a happy man takes a walk      |
|   ICQ: 36483568           And maybe it's time to live"       |
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