oreillymj;138142 Wrote: 
> I've seen some weird issue where the SB and server get's out of synch.
> The power is off on the SB according to the web UI, but the player is
> actually on.
> Using the Web UI to send a power off/on combo got the SB back in synch
> with the server.
> If that doesn't work, I'd try a hardware reset. Hold down Add on the
> remote while cycling the power.
Thanks for this but I'm sorry I do not understand what you mean by
"send a power off/on combo from the web UI". I tried a factory reset of
the Squeezebox just in case but as expected no joy.

The problem seems to be that SlimServer is not outputting any audio at
all, so no players work (software or hardware). Lame and Flac processes
appear to be running but are using no cpu cycles so I assume are not
receiving any info from SlimServer. I've tried running the software
with various debug switches enabled but the log is just blank. Event
viewer is similarly uninformative. I've checked all my settings and all
apear to be OK.
I gues the next step is a clean reinstall, but I am getting fed up with
the time it takes to reconfigure the software and plugins every time I
upgrade/reinstall, so would like to avoid this.

Does anyone have any idea which debug switches to use?



Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2 > Benchmark Dac1 > Naim NAC 82 > Naim NAP 250 > Shahinian
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