aubuti;139354 Wrote: 
> Can't help you on #1, but on #2 as has been mentioned elsewhere (can't
> recall the specific thread now), because the artwork view is
> part-and-parcel of album view, it no longer makes much logical sense to
> exclude albums without art from the listings. In other words, this was a
> conscious design decision by the developers. 
> I don't know if you can turn off artwork completely, but you can use
> the icon in the upper corner to toggle between artwork view and list
> view. Just keep it with list view. It even sets a cookie that keeps it
> in list view if you change to another skin.

Thanks for replying aubuti,
Thought that some things may be a design intention....
Turning off artwork would be useful though - I thought that it made a
huge impact on the database keeping track of the artwork such that
large libraries could grind to a halt with artwork (irrespective of
image size - as it is the database links that hit performance)?


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