Some users have reported problems about Slimtray not starting
Slimserver. I just ran into the same problem. I am a newcomer to
SlimDevices. I downloaded and installed 6.3, and got Slimtray saying
forever that it is starting Slimserver. Uninstall and reinstall as
suggested in some posts. Same problem. Moving to 6.5b. Same problem

It turns out that Slimserver was running perfectly when launched
manually from a command window. Still it could not be started manually
as a service. 

Two evenings later, the solution to that problem was to change the
status of slimserver as a service from belonging to Local System to
belonging to a user with administration privileges. Doing that makes
everything work perfectly and Slimserver starts automatically at
Windows start-up.

I have Windows XP with the latest security patches and I suspect that
recent changes to the security strategy forbid Slimserver to start as a
Local System service.

In hope that will be useful and help spare some time.

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