erland wrote:
I'm looking for ideas of new type of browse menus to include with the
Custom Browse plugin. So I would like to get some ideas of different
ways you would like to browse your music that is not possible with the
current version of slimserver.

Try to include a menu hierarchy example in your idea to make it easier
to understand how you would like it to work, for example:

- (List of genres)
-- (List of artists within the selected genre)
--- (List of albums for selected artist within selected genre)
---- (List of tracks on selected album, artist and genre)

So how would you like to browse your music ?

Here's what I want to see -- I'd like to be able to partition my collection with pre-defined genre filters. The filters would be configurable in the web-UI, preferably with an array of tri-states (ie: each genere can be included or excluded, not just included like in the Random Mix). Each filter would have a configurable title (which is how it would show up in the browse tree).

For bonus points, add a Random Mix feature for each Genre filter.

For _even more_ bonus points, somehow make it so that each of those Random Mix features can be optionally assigned a shortcut on the remote, say Hold N (where N is one of the number keys).

Filtered Trees
- My Music (Rock,Pop,Funk,New Wave,Indy,Avant-Garde,!Bonus)
-- (List of artists who match the genre filter)
--- (List of albums for selected genre filter/artist, sorted by year)
---- (List of tracks for selected genre filter/artist/album)
-- Random Album Mix in My Music (Hold 1)
-- Random Song Mix in My Music
- Wifes Music (Folk,Hiphop,Pop,Indy,!LPD,!Bonus)
-- (List of artists who match the genre filter)
--- (List of albums for selected genre filter/artist, sorted by year)
---- (List of tracks for selected genre filter/artist/album)
-- Random Album Mix in Wifes Music (Hold 2)
-- Random Song Mix in Wifes Music
- Kids Music (Childrens,!Bonus)
-- (List of artists who match the genre filter)
--- (List of albums for selected genre filter/artist, sorted by year)
---- (List of tracks for selected genre filter/artist/album)
-- Random Album Mix in Kids Music (Hold 3)
-- Random Song Mix in Kids Music
- Lullabies (Lullaby,!Bonus)
-- (List of artists who match the genre filter)
--- (List of albums for selected genre filter/artist, sorted by year)
---- (List of tracks for selected genre filter/artist/album)
-- Random Album Mix in Lullabies (Hold 4)
-- Random Song Mix in Lullabies
- Bonus Tracks (Bonus)
-- (List of artists who match the genre filter)
--- (List of albums for selected genre filter/artist, sorted by year)
---- (List of tracks for selected genre filter/artist/album)
-- Random Album Mix in Bonus Tracks
-- Random Song Mix in Bonus Tracks

What do you think about that?

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