gorgenyi;141610 Wrote: 
> I’m not sure whether it’s actually my setup / os problem or bug. Since v
> 6.3 I have an issue with compilation albums. In most cases they are no
> longer kept as a single entity by slim server when scanned but
> completely randomly, are split into many albums. Each listing holing 1
> or many songs under them.
> Does any one else has this problem?
> It’s been absolutely fine until v.6.3,  6.3 was a lot less responsive
> then previous versions, 6.5 is very quick, but this problem remains.
> I have no add ins, using win xp pro, Pentium 4, 2.5GH, 2 gig ram.
There is lots of info about this on the forum. My compilations broke
first on 6.3 (as did many other peoples). The cure is to add the custom
tag COMPILATION with a value of 1 to all songs in compilations (this
took me only a minute or two to achieve using Foobar2000). Also ensure
that under Server Settings/Behaviour/COMPILATIONS that you have "Group
compilation albums together" selected.


Why does it always happen to me?

Squeezebox2 > Benchmark Dac1 > Naim NAC 82 > Naim NAP 250 > Shahinian
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