It is indeed correct that if you do Browse/Music Folder and then drill
down through whatever is your particular directory structure  to get to
the bottom folder level - an individual album - you do see the cover
image above the list of tracks on that album when you open this folder.
I can also confirm that if artwork is not present for any album you get
no image, so there is no annoying question mark graphic as in some
other views.

Personally I cannot see any drawback with this. If I have gone to the
trouble of getting artwork for each of my albums I would not mind
actually seeing it at some stage.  If we can be assured that this adds
no overhead or instability to the operation of SS or the rescanning
then it seems fine to me the way it is. No doubt there could be a
switch devised to allow this to be turned off but, frankly, why

Just my 2p of course.


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