I have also experienced this on several different machines and
installations.  Currently I have the slimserver.deb of slimserver 6.5
insatlled onto Ubuntu Dapper on a P4 2.4G with 1gig of ram running
Softsqueeze 3.2.1 locally.  Since the connection is "localhost" I
cannot understand how this could be a network issue as seems to be most
commonly suspected.  I could be wrong, though.  As I say this seems to
happen on every single machine I install to no matter the version of
server or softsqueeze.  I think I did overcome this at some point with
squeezeslave on windows but I think there were other issues with
squeezeslave so I abandoned that.  I've upped squeezeslave's buffer
from 128000 to 628000 but now I'm getting more interrrupts.

Here's some debug output that corresponds to the interrupts:
2168 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG player - autostart: fullness=1015808
2169 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG player - start: state 2
2169 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - play line inState=0
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - audio mixer playing
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG player - status=STMs fullness=1007616
bytesRx=1015808 elapsedSeconds=0
2170 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - gain=1.0 replayGain=1.0 dB=0.0
2171 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=61440 lineSize=65536 fillLen=4096 bw=4096 slowStart=4096
2197 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=8192 slowStart 8192
2199 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=57344 lineSize=65536 fillLen=8192 bw=8192 slowStart=8192
2200 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=16384 slowStart 16384
2204 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=0 fillLen=32768 slowStart 32768
2210 [AudioDecoder-3] DEBUG javasound - decodeFrame: fill buffer.
available=32768 fillLen=65536 slowStart 65536
2223 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=45056 lineSize=65536 fillLen=16384 bw=16384 slowStart=16384
2224 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - playFrame: fill buffer.
available=12556 lineSize=65536 fillLen=32768 bw=32768 slowStart=32768
12892 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=89ms writeTook=1271ms bufferedData=278ms
75478 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=802ms bufferedData=368ms
112922 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=980ms bufferedData=329ms
271592 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=65ms writeTook=1574ms bufferedData=207ms
303325 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=697ms bufferedData=370ms
334826 [AudioMixer-0] DEBUG javasound - Detected delay writing to audio
buffer readTook=0ms writeTook=1293ms bufferedData=327ms

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