
First, I want to say thanks for maintaining the freebsd port.  I installed
6.3.1 without a hitch.  I am having problems with my upgrade to 6.5.  I
deinstalled 6.3.1 (/usr/ports/audio/slimserver make deinstall).  I
deinstalled mysql (same, make deinstall).  I have wiped the
/usr/local/slimserver and /var/db/slimserver directories.  I ran portupgrade
-r perl.  Next I make install clean slimserver.  I get the following error:

compslim# /usr/local/slimserver/
061011  5:17:31 [ERROR] Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the
manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!

061011  5:17:31 [ERROR] Aborting

061011  5:17:31 [Note] /usr/local/libexec/mysqld: Shutdown complete

2006-10-11 05:18:01.1972 ERROR: MySQLHelper: createSystemTables() Couldn't
connect to database: [Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/db/slimserver/cache/slimserver-mysql.sock' (2)]

Any suggestions on what I need to do here?  

Thanks again for maintaining this port!

T. J. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brooks Davis
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 5:43 PM
Subject: [slim] FreeBSD port

I wanted to give the SlimServer a try before I bought a Squeezebox
and after playing with it a bit, I built a port so it's now in the
FreeBSD ports collection as audio/slimserver.  Like the RPM, it
has a startup script.  The script runs the server as user/group
slimuser for security reasons.  The config file is configured to be in
/var/db/slimserver/slimserver.conf (IMO, it machine generated and thus
doesn't belong in /etc).

I've also configured the installation process to not install copies of
perl modules that exist as ports as per the ports collection policy.
Similarly I'm using a port of mDNSResponder instead of the builtin
binary.  The upside of this is that SlimServer should work on all
FreeBSD platforms since it doesn't depend on having binaries in the
correct format.

I also apply a couple of patches so the tag cache ends up in
/var/db/slimserver/slimserver.db.  It would be nice if you could do this
from the command line instead of via patches.

SlimServer packages should be available for the next FreeBSD release.

I'm quite impressed with what I've seen so far and plan to purchase a
Squeezebox when I return from my upcoming vacation.

-- Brooks

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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