In my entertainment room, I'm currently drowning in remotes.

I have:
1. SB Remote
2. Receiver Remote
3. DVD Remote
4. Cable Box remote
5. VCR Remote
6. Television Remote (required in active service to change input
sources and display modes for various sources and programming)

This is a pain, and inevitably the ONE remote I need at any given time
has been kicked under a couch, or hidden somewhere by my toddler.

Has anyone here had any experience with universal remotes, and can
recommend one that can at least tackle the "Everyday" tasks these
devices require?

I know they range in price from about $50.00 to $500 or $600.  I'm
hoping someone might have had a good experience with a device in  the
~$100.00 (or less) price point that they could recommend.

Here's one I'm looking at:

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