Nostromo wrote:
For example R&B appears as R

I had the same problem. I replaced it by Rythm and blues.

Where "the same problem" is spending time working around a bug without bothering to report it in the bug database so it has a chance of ever getting fixed?

It's worth noting that while some related bugs have been fixed, no-one seems to have actually reported the issue you folks keep complaining about:

A good rule of thumb is, if you ever find yourself wanting to ask about the status of something on the mailing list, either refer to it by bug number, or chastise yourself for not having filed a bug yet, file the bug, and then refer to it by bug number. Speaking as a developer (though not one that works on this product) it is orders of magnitude easier to close duplicate and redundant bug reports than it is to track and fix issues that aren't being reported in the bug system.

- Marc
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