I can't blame you for doing this, but i too am very worried.

So please now please dispense with the vague PR speak, and please be as
up front and honest as you can - how is this actually going to work?

1) Will Logitech just own the company, with Slim Devices operating as a
separate entity? Or will the Slim Devices brand name be phased out and
the next model (SB4?) with a 'Logitech' device? i fear the latter. In
fact it pretty obvious really, in the long term anyway

2) Will Logitech leaving the Slim Devices team alone to carry on their
great work? After all, Logitech effort in this sector have been less
than amazing. Much Logitech software is a dog in my experience. The
setpoint crap was terrible last time i used it. Will Slim Server remain
open source? Be honest now, I Fear not in the long term. Please
don’t lose sight of what made Slimserver so popular and won so
many people over.

I hope this is a positive move for us consumers. I am sure it will be
one for SD and Logitech (financially anyway). But the ethos of both
companies is so different …

Logitech = Mass market, bang ‘em out. Dumbed down and closed

Slim Devices = Consumer centric, “it’s ready when
it’s ready” listening to the customer and responding in a
personal way, open source.

The response I got when I mouse was faulty was a totally different
experience to what I got when my SB3 screen failed. Are they REALLY
compatible in their current forms? Again, I doubt it.

Let not forget the edgy ‘cool’ factor that the Slim Devices
products have. I’m sorry, but Logitech just don’t have that,
no matter how hard you pretend I will always associate Logitech with low
end PC speaker systems and horrible keyboards. Just assimilating Slim
Devices could be a disaster for the SB and it’s fans.

This could be sooooo right for Slim Devices, more money could mean even
better products. But Logitech is a large corp and I fear they just want
a cash cow like every other large corp. 

Sorry for being so negative, but we have seen this before, no matter
how chipper the PR releases are.


*SlimServer Version:* 6.5 - Windows XP.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Denon MD30 (bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Cambridge Audio Explorer
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox3 + Softsqueeze.
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=28821

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