I don't think Logitech would be selling $1k Harmony remotes if the only market they cared about was $99 players...

On 10/19/06, thaumaturge < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well, Sean and the boys cashed out. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
Good for them. Better to take the offer now before the SB shipments
drop off after even more media-server products are released this
quarter at half or a third of the SB price.  Slim Devices' exit was
never going to be an IPO anyway.

Now while the press release doesn't state it overtly, there is a much
bigger payment than $20M cash waiting for them from Logitech should
they meet certain targets down the road.  Obviously, those targets are
based on quantitative factors and will lead SD straight down the road
toward higher volume shipments and maximized profits.  Will this lead
to more Transporter or SB-level devices?  Not if I were running
Logitech, how 'bout you?  If that performance-based payment is really
going to be several times the $20M, then those profits have got to come
from somewhere.  In any case, the investors in SD just made 20x or so on
their money and stand to do better in the future.

The days of considering SD to be somebody's audophile / open source
company are over.  Logitech no doubt loves the free development
provided by the open source world.  From a business standpoint, this
makes perfect sense - to a point.  The current UI of SlimServer and
some SB functionality is an obvious nightmare of confusion and
complexity for current customers of Logitech products (and others too),
so I am hopeful some things will change for the better.

>From the point of view of the current SD customer base, this is likely
to mark a high point in SD's product development history.  Logitech has
never steered their products toward the high end and understands that
the market served today by SD is a tiny niche.  The real money will
come when the $99 Logitech SB ships (my guess).  In all likelihood, the
future will hold no place for audio-only devices like the SB anyway.
Whether or not you care about video, the window of opportunity for the
current SB has closed.

Dateline Switzerland - 10/18/2006
Logitech Delivers Best-Ever Q2 Sales and Profit
Sales up 19%, Net Income up 36%.
How many audiophile companies do $500M/Qtr and post those numbers?

BTW, Logitech is exchanging ADRs and starts trading directly on the
Nasdaq next week.

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