bklaas;148202 Wrote: 
> Firefox (open-source) vs. IE (proprietary)
> Wikipedia (open-source) vs. Encylopedia Brittanica/Encarta/Whatever
> (proprietary)

I know that's the canonical comparison, but it has a bit of a problem

Firefox, I believe, still goes through testing cycles. And the number
of people who can actually update the code is somewhat limited, and the
people are vetted. Same was true for Slimserver.

Wikipedia, OTOH, seems to be freely postable by (almost) anyone, with
negligable screening. Which is why they've had some problems with data
defacement - people who muck with the biographies of others, etc.

This isn't an open source argument, exactly, but just pointing out a
flaw at the edges of open-ness.

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