Mark Norton;148341 Wrote: 
> The whole point of this thread is to point out to people working with
> Open Source that you are being taken for a ride if you do not receive
> commercial recompense for your efforts.
Yup... as you'll know, having three cars and one driver... these goods
are very hollow and unsatisfying marks of success. The ownership of
them will not make you happy. All they'll make you do it wonder why you
feel hollow and unfulfilled... plus many everyday people will really
dislike you or think you are pathetic for promenading your wealth
infront of them and thinking it makes you important and superior.
I'm afraid you've rather missed the mark with this one.
I'm sure Sean's sense of self-fulfillment (like Michael Hergers and the
other contributors too) comes mostly (99%) from doing something they
believed in and enjoyed. The rest is just baubles.
Unfortunately out current shallow glossy magazine western society
promotes baubles above the (to me) obviously important things that
bring individuals happiness and fulfillent.
Give me a bicycle, fresh air and open country roads over the
planet-destroying, selfish, short sighted and ego-centric behaviour of
someone who owns three gas guzzling cars any day. 
That about sums it up really.



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