>Every night when I got to play music, I hit the power button on the
>remote and the Squeezebox displays "Connecting to SlimServer..." Then
>the screen goes blank again. I hit the power button again and it
>displays "Waking up SlimServer..." and goes blank again. If I keep
>hitting the power button it will eventually wake up for real. It always
>used to come on instantly.
I had exactly the same problem - several people have been experiencing it too.  
I reopened bug 3778 which seemed to be related.


I seem to have fixed my problem, although I haven't updated the bug report yet 
as I'm still investigating.

My problem may have had something to do with IP address allocation.  I was 
getting frustrated with the reconnection problem, so I restarted my 
squeezeboxes and went through all the connection settings again, this time 
changing from dynamic IP addresses to fixed IP addresses.  I noticed that both 
squeezeboxes seemed to be suggesting that DHCP had allocated the same dynamic 
IP for both boxes.  Also, my desktop PC hosting slimserver has always had a 
fixed IP address of, but the squeezeboxes were reporting the 
slimserver IP address of

It was strange because although the boxes wouldn't reconnect, I found that 
pressing power button twice would force the box to connect and it would be fine 
until slimserver was restarted.

I recently updated my routers firmware (a Linksys WAG54GX2) - something could 
have got messed up by that.  I see that other LinkSys routers have had some new 
firmware releases that have screwed DHCP, so I have stuck with fixed IP 

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