Does anybody know of a TiVo like application for internet radio?  There
are some radio shows I like to listen to, but I often miss them due to

One example would be NPR's Car Talk.  They do podcast thier shows, but
you have to pay for them over at  I'm slightly averse to
that ... I already give an annual donation to my local NPR affiliate. 

It'd be a much better solution if I could just InternetRadio-Vo (to
badly coin a term) the show and time-shift it to my convenience. I feel
as though this would be "Fair Use" since I technically could use an
Audio tape to record the over-the-air broadcast, or even record the
'net stream using several different applications I found google-ing. 
What seems to be missing from the equation is the capability to
schedule the beginning and end of recording to happen automatically.

It'd be really cool if it were a SS plugin, but I haven't seen anything
like that in the plugin list.  A stand-alone program would be fine too.


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