I like the idea of the squeezebox (especially the flac/ogg support!),
and I'm currently testing the slimserver software with multiple
software players to see how well it might work for me.

The first issue I've run into is support for independent settings for
each player.  It appears that each player sports independent playlists
(and some formatting settings) in the slimserver web interface, but I'm
having problems with 'cross-coupling' of other settings.

For my first test, I simply set one player to use a "Random Song List"
playlist (using all available music).  This worked fine until I hooked
up a second (software) player on a different machine and set *IT* to
use a "Random Song List" as well, but this time restricted to only
christmas music.  Once I added the second player, my first random
playlist started adding only christmas music, apparently 'inheriting'
the genre filter setting from the second player.

I also noticed the gross hack (multiple instances of slimserver with
iptables redirection) required to provide different music library
support to different players:

Is somthing like multiple instances of slimserver required to keep them
from "cross-coupling"?  I hope not, as my wife and I have very different
listening habits, and I don't really like the way the multiple instance
thing is setup (ie: what happens if I want to listen on my wife's

If it matters, I'm planning on setting up some of the dynamic
auto-playlist generation plugins (ie: SQLPlayList & MusicMagic), which
may help (or worsen) the player cross-coupling issues.

Is anyone using multiple squeezeboxes with multiple users from the same
slimserver?  If so, how well does it work, and how different are your
listening tastes?

Any advice, pointers, URL's, etc. appreciated.  Thanks!

Charles Steinkuehler

cdsteinkuehler's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=8292
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=29289

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