I'll just jump in to say that the best two bits of kit I've ever bought
are my PVR (an early Humax in my case) and my first SB2.  Both
completely changed they way we do something (watching TV and listening
to music, that is!).

I am now getting to the point where I want to upgrade the Humax PVR to
something newer with a bigger disc, two tuners, and an easy means to
move the recorded files over to my PC for editing (NB - I don't
consider having to have an extra box to do USB-Ethernet connection
"easy"!).  Maybe the next Toppy will be close enough to make me get my
credit card out.

Trouble is there are so many toys and upgrades out there and only so
much cash!  Maybe I need a really good bonus, I can usually get
permission to spend that on almost anything...


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