slimpy;152954 Wrote: 
> Your settings are fine so the problem must be somewhere else.
> If you can confirm the following 
> -one folder per album
> -all compilation albums show up under artists - various artists
> -all files have individual ARTIST tags
> -the song info page shows the correct artist
> -you removed all playlists and did a full rescan
> then this is probably a bug. Report it at
> Make sure there this bug has not been reported already.
> -s.

OK, I removed all Playlists then did a full rescan (I hadn't tried that
combo before).  All VA artists appeared in the Artists list!  

I use Playlists extensively, and many of my VA-only artist tracks are
in Playlists.  When I put the Playlists back, and did a "rescan
Playlists", all those VA artists disappeared again.  Why in the world
would Playlists have anything to do with VA artists appearing in the
Artists list?  Sounds like a bug.

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