tf8252;155031 Wrote: 
> Below is some of my directory structure if this helps. I have an LSII
> Debian install and I followed Marc Fields instructions to the letter
> when installing (except the part about the auto-run on reboot script
> HA!)
I'm a Linux newbie, but I loaded Slimserver on a LinkStation following
the Field Networks instructions. How about if you go back to the
instructions and add the auto-run script?

Here's the appropriate section from Fields:
"I use the startup script that's here: It is, admittedly, a bit
of a hack in that it does not provide nearly all the functionality of a
typical Linux startup script (namely, it does not have facilities to
stop, restart, or provide the status of the process). On
the other hand, it is very simple and does meet my only requirement: it
starts the SlimServer software. (For those familiar with Linux, the
startup script provided with the RPM version of SlimServer will not
work on the LinkStation). You can download my script (or create your
own), copy it to your LinkStation network share from your PC, and then
telnet into your LinkStation and move the file to /mnt/slim-data: "mv
/mnt/name-of-network-share/ /mnt/slim-data". You then need
to make sure the script is executable: "chmod +x
/mnt/slim-data/". Finally, create the link: "ln -s
/mnt/slim-data/ /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S95slimserver". You can
verify that it worked by rebooting your LinkStation (type "reboot" at
the command prompt). Give it a few minutes, and your SqueezeBox should
reconnect to the SlimServer."

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