After updating to the last version of Slimserver ( SlimServer Version:
6.5.0 - 9916 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252 ), I am no longer able to view
the RSS via the plugin or listen to internet radios, because when I
try, the SB3 shows "Fetching..." and stays there forever( the only
solution is to restart SlimServer )

After searching the forums, I started the server with the
--d_http_async option

2006-11-15 22:12:20.4306 Async: Verifying if we can use nameserver
2006-11-15 22:12:20.4307   Testing lookup of

So it appears it is trying to find a DNS server at

When I try for example to search for the radio stations the log shows:

2006-11-15 22:13:53.7033 SimpleAsyncHTTP: GETing
2006-11-15 22:13:53.7455 Async: Starting async DNS lookup for
[] using server [] [timeout 5]

Some details about my network config: since I am not able to share my
internet through a router, I am using ICS to connect the SB3 directly
to the internet. Apparently ICS is working, the SB3 is given an IP
Address, and I can listen to the music without any problem. But no RSS
or Internet radios...

Probably If I could tell SlimServer to use the ICS PC address
( for the DNS, or My ISP DNS servers, all would work...

I understand the general concepts of the network, but I don't know if
this is possible.

Does anyone had similar problems and was able to solve it ?

Thanks in advance


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