ModelCitizen;155185 Wrote: 
> Hello all,
> Sporadically over the last three weeks or so my player settings drop
> down menu is populated with the server's settings items as well as the
> player items.
> Restarting SlimServer sorts it out so it's not too much of a problem
> but it does seem to have been happening with at least the last four
> 6.5.1 nightlies I've used so I'm thinking I should report it as a
> bug.... but am reluctant to unless the problem can be corroborated.
> So, has anyone else seen this?
> Or, if there is a bug existing for it can someone point me to it so I
> can add myself to it?
> Cheers
> MC

I have seen this many times over the past several months.  I was
hesitant to chime in just because I haven't paid sufficient attention
to the specifics of exactly which build I was running and the precise
situations in which it has occurred, but I've definitely seen it. 
You're not crazy.

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