ezkcdude wrote:
> your momo;160875 Wrote: 
>> You are not alone ! I'm also "fighting" for such an improvment see this
>> thread
>> -->http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=30080
>> ...but this seems a "sensitive" topic, first answer sounds always "it's
>> impossible"
>> For me today in 21th century, I belive on "it's impossible that's
>> impossible" so I poursue my quest to get a slim navigation mode that
>> permit to use SlimDevices product in stand alone.
> Thanks! It's obvious that this would be a great feature. Why some
> people are seemingly against it is a mystery to me.

People aren't "seemingly against" this (direct streaming from storage
devices). It's just that the current slim architecture doesn't support it.

They're called "slim devices" for a reason - the actual hardware
(slimp3, Squeezebox 1,2,3, Transporter) doesn't do an awful lot. It
converts sound that is streamed to it, it displays text that is sent to
it, it sends back IR commands that it receives.

But in order to do anything useful it needs a brain, and that function
is currently performed by slimserver.

Sure, it would be possible to build a brain into each client device -
anything's possible, right? - but it would be a significant departure
from the current architecture.

Hope that makes things clear.


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