One reason it would find music in another folder would be if you have
playlists which refer to that other music.  In your server settings -
basic page, you have places to specify locations for both music library
and playlists.  Try clearing the "playlists" entry and just specifying a
music library location.

also make sure you are not using MusicIP/MusicMagicMixer or iTunes
integration - both of those will cause SS to see other music.

Then make sure you are doing a full clear and rescan, not just a scan
for new or changed music.

Michael's advice for getting more logging information was referring to
running SS from a command prompt. If you are in Windows, get a Commnad
Prompt window (usually in Accessories).  You will probably need to
change to the SS directory:

> cd c:\Program Files\slimserver\server

Then type

> scanner --help

to see the options. For example

> scanner --d_info --d_scan --logfile c:\logfile.txt

which will create a lofile in the name you specify at the end of the

If slimserver is stopped you can also start it from the command line in
the same way, specifying debug and other flags.


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