mdzmura wrote:
I have searched the forums and not found answers to my two biggest
questions (although I have seen one of the questions with no good

1. I have a ton of FLAC stuff, a ton of MP3 stuff, and a fair amount of
Ogg.  All of these files are under a common root in a Linux ext3 file
system (about 100G worth).  I am running Slimserver 6.5 and serving the
files to Squeezebox 3 and to a copy of Softsqueeze running on another
Linux box.  No iTunes, just a bunch of locally ripped music.

Slimserver has been given ONE directory to look under, which is the
parent of all of my music.  It found ONLY the MP3 stuff.  (A good bit
of the FLAC and MP3 are dups with the same tags, because I keep 160k or
192k MP3 transcoded from the FLAC for my flash-based MP3 players.  In
these cases, I would of course prefer the Slimserver to serve up the
FLAC to the Squeezebox).

Slimserver found ONLY the MP3 stuff.  None of the FLAC or Ogg is in the
database.  Nothing in the documentation or online seems to indicate why
this would be the case.  As mentioned above, in cases where there are
lossy and lossless versions of the same track, I want Slimserver to
stream the lossless file.
Amazing. My slimserver finds my .OGG & .FLAC files just fine. I didn't have to do anything special for it, except rename some .FLA files to .FLAC, SS doesn't lik ethe .FLA extension.
2. Second Question may be related to the first, and may also be a
misunderstanding of the operation of the scanning process: When I use
the web interface to rescan my music files, I don't see any indication
of either progress or completion.  The next day there are no new music
files.  Nothing in the /tmp/slimserver.log file seems to indicate that
scanning is occuring.

In the web interface it constantly reminds me that it's still scanning and the DB may not be complete (this is version 6.2.2 by the way, I'm a slow upgrader).
Any thoughts on either of these would be appreciated.  I am only able
to serve up about 100 of my 600 or so CD's at this point, and am really
missing the others...
Have you tried browsing you Music folder instead of by tags? (both should work, obviously)


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