brucegrr wrote:
I have found the wireless experience to be less than 100% Too many
variables..........your mileage will vary. People should remember
wireless is not a "perfect" answer. There are a lot of different things
that can kill a wireless signal. I had a wireless network in one
home.........and every a particular car drove by our house........on
his way to work..........killed the signal. Every time. Can't explain
it. It just happened.

Never had a problem with it until earlier this week. My Living room SB3 suddenly started hiccupping. My wirelessly connected laptop (does not run slimserver) slowed down at the same time and the windows driver told me it was connected at 2Mbps. I power cycled my WAP and all was well when it came back up.

Really, that seemed to be a rare problem with the (Asus) access point. I've been running 3 SB3's of this WAP for months on two different floors without problems. The fourth one is on the 3rd floor wich is just a little to far for a reliable connection and it's right next to a ethernet socket, so I didn't even try.

No problems at all. The kitchen SB3 keeps working perfectly even when the microwave is used.


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