First of all, why do you need a "central amplifier"?  Each Squeezebox
will be in a separate room.  Why are you taking the Squeezebox output
back to a central amplifier then back to the room where each Squeezebox
is?  This doesn't make sense and you're going to have to run a LOT of
cable through the walls.

It would be better to have an amplifier in each room, and probably
wouldn't cost that much more.

Also there's no single best amplifier out there.  If there was,
everyone would be buying it and there wouldn't be any choice.

Plus you don't say what speakers you want to use.  Those will dictate
what kind of amplifier you can use.  There are hundreds of speakers and
amplifiers available, of varying levels of quality, and going from a few
hundred dollars to as much as your house.

So I guess the question to ask would be - what's your budget?  What are
the room sizes?  (Large rooms need big speakers and powerful amplifiers,
small rooms not so much).

For smaller rooms there are some nice self-powered speakers out there -
search the forum for "speakers" and you'll find lots of recommendations.
For larger rooms you may want to go with bigger floorstanding speakers
and a large, separate amplifier.

If you're really intent on getting one amplifier for 3 Squeezeboxes,
you'll need a 6-channel amplifier (3 X 2).  Look at amplifiers designed
for surround sound home theatre applications.  There are lots of
companies that make these: Anthem, Arcam, Rotel, Bryston, B&K, NAD,
McIntosh, Aragon, Theta, Adcom, etc., etc., etc.  There are so many you
really need to define your needs and budget first.

Plus your ears may or may not like what someone else recommends!  So
it's best to go to a shop and find out for yourself by listening to
some music you're familiar with.  Make sure you listen to as many
brands as you can - there are lots out there and they don't all sound
the same.

Mark Lanctot
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