snarlydwarf;165780 Wrote: 
> Something is wrong if it takes that long.  I have a very underpowered
> system (with 128M of RAM!) that works great as a server, and can do a
> full scan of 17,000 tracks in less than 30 minutes....
> Tags are read, a large database is filled with album names, track
> names, artists, genres... so I can play all the Christmas music, or for
> the next 48 weeks or so, play none of it...    Especially   mixed with
> some of the plugins like TrackStat and DynamicPlaylist you can do nifty
> things.  ("Play everything I haven't listened to in the last month as
> long as it isnt Christmas music")
> The value of that of course depends on how good your tags are: typos
> and spelling errors and inconsistent artist names will make it suck. 
> (Is it "Dylan"?  Or "Bob Dylan" or "Dylan, Bob" or "Bobby Zimmerman"?)
> You can use Browse Music Folder from the remote...  I often play music
> that way.
> I go for days without touching a web browser and listen to music.
> Under the Help menu is Softsqueeze... start that then kill the browser.
> That will give you a fake Squeezebox (and if you change the skin, a
> fake transporter) so you can see how the real one works (minus some
> Java and emulation bugs anyway... but its close to the real one).  No
> web browser needed.
> As for double clicking: you cant because why on Earth would you want to
> be near a computer to listen to music.  Use Winamp if you want that.  If
> you want to sit in a comfy chair far away from noisy fans of PCs and not
> remove your ass from the chair just to change a song, then, a
> Transporter or Squeezebox is what you want.
> It works fine without using a web browser.  Better, even, since all the
> "convert this to HTML" can be pretty intensive: it is a ton of database
> queries to make a web page.
> How many tracks do you have?  Are you using iTunes?  Those can affect
> scan time, as can Really Huge Directories (which are bad practice
> anyway).
> What parts of your network are wireless and what are wired?  (Ie, it
> would be very good if the connection between your server and the NAS
> was wired... and very very slow if it was wireless... that is a ton of
> disk accesses and network bandwidth to dump on a wireless link).

first of all I want to thank you for reading and dealing with my
problems. I appreciate very much!

I will give here some detailed information (as partly requested) on my

* MS Win XP Prof SP2
* Celeron 900MHz (admittedly not exactly a rocket to the moon)
* Mainboard Intel S815EBM1
* SATA Seagate Barracuda 320GB (latest model)
* onboard graphics
* 512MB RAM

* Promise TX2300 RAID1
* NO iTunes!!!
* NO personal firewall
* Avira Antivir Personal Edition
* 1401 albums/18032 songs/750 artist (I would call it "midsized", at
best ;-)
* NO wLAN, all 100MBit wired ethernet
* realVNC remote access
* D-Link DI-604 wired broadband router, 5MBit/512kBit cable internet

coming soon:
* Slim Transporter
* B&W 802D Speaker
* Arcam FMJ C31 pre amp
* Arcam FMJ P1 amp

snarlydwarf;165780 Wrote: 
> "You can use Browse Music Folder from the remote...  I often play music
> that way."

could you please elaborate this a bit?

snarlydwarf;165780 Wrote: 
> "I go for days without touching a web browser and listen to music."

that's exactly why I bought the Slim thing :-)

snarlydwarf;165780 Wrote: 
> "How many tracks do you have?  Are you using iTunes?  Those can affect
> scan time, as can Really Huge Directories (which are bad practice
> anyway)."

1401/18032/750. is is organized as follows: one directory (i.e.
"Tiefenspeicher", for each album one separate sub directory:
\\Server1\tiefenspeicher\Bob Dylan - Another Side Of Bob Dylan

snarlydwarf;165780 Wrote: 
> "The value of that of course depends on how good your tags are: typos
> and spelling errors and inconsistent artist names will make it suck. 
> (Is it "Dylan"?  Or "Bob Dylan" or "Dylan, Bob" or "Bobby Zimmerman"?)"

yeah, this is part of my problem. using EAC and its freeDB access I
didn't pay as much attention to correct and consistent naming schemes
as I should have (now ripping for 4 years..). Repairing this will be a
huge effort... however, most of it is correct. but the "dylan, bob"
thing instead of "bob dylan" did happen from time to time...

I will do the following now: 
First get a state of the art server. I don't want this bottleneck any
longer... This additional ~500USD won't make the difference.
(However, I read here some folks have even older machines and complete
the scan thing within a few minutes...)

Lost Viking
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