
I do not intend the following as an insult - this is to help.

This is an informal user support forum.  It is not the official means
of obtaining Slim Devices/Logitech support.  So continuing to insist
several times a day on immediate assistance here may or may not help as
the developers do not always actively follow every thread on the forum. 
There's a chance they might, but it's by no means assured.

For basic problems, it's best to contact support at their phone number
or using support (at) slimdevices (dot) com.  Of course basic problems
can also be addressed in this forum.

However you have done some pretty intensive investigation into the
problem which should assist the developers in their bug squishing
efforts - you have identified an issue which is well beyond basic and
it does not appear to be something support can fix without developer
assistance.  I would suggest you log a bug on  You'll need to create an account. 
Bugzilla has mechanisms for assigning a developer, cataloguing,
tracking progress, prioritizing, etc.  This forum does not.

Not being a developer myself, I can't promise progress on your bug, but
properly logging a bug is your best option.  This may be a tough bug as
it involves a potential problem with Quicktime and Apple will almost
surely not help.

Other pointers:

- search for an existing bug first.  I looked in this thread, I didn't
see a link to one.  I also searched bugzilla for "AAC" and didn't find
anything relevant to this issue.

- "just the facts".  Don't rant on bugzilla.  Just present the facts
and your findings as complete as you can.

Mark Lanctot
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