JJZolx;170687 Wrote: 
> I think one problem with that bug is that a number of people have
> mistakenly jumped on it and this either frustrates or irritates the
> developers.  This happens with many bugs, but that one is particularly
> susceptible.  Squeezeboxes that can't connect to SlimServer are a very
> common issue, but for any one of dozens of reasons.  Without digging
> into debugging and packet sniffing and etc. it can be difficult or
> impossible for the end user to tell the difference.

That is true, and there is even a question on that bug report if there
is more than one bug being talked about... without being able to
reproduce it, who knows...   Hence why I ignore all but the packet

The only broken thing (from the SB anyway) that I see is the discover
from port 3483 to port 8900... that is backwards: it should be sending
to port

No idea why it would do that, though that still doesnt answer the "why
is arp not replying?" .. but since the bug is supposedly related to
shutting the server down, perhaps that is related.

What I see in the packet dump is that the SB is trying really hard to
connect to the server, getting no response.  When rebooted it connects
to Squeezenetwork just fine, and when it is logged out of SN, it
connects to the local server.

tbessie, do you know how to use ethereal or tcpdump to create a packet
capture so we can see what it is doing?

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