My Squeezebox 3 for absolutely no reason has died on me 5 (yes FIVE!!)
days after its one year warranty ended. It has been sitting in the spot
for 1 year lightly used and well cared for - now when I start it the
screen is blank and even though I still see it through the PC no sounds
come out of it. 

This has been a VERY sudden death as no problems showed up before hand
- I used it just the night before and it was as ok as ever...

I contacted the retailer from whom I bought it and all they had to say
is " we do have some new ones in Stock " ... nooffer of any other help

Can someone at slimdevices be undertsanding... This is just 5 days
after the one year warranty - and there is no reason why it should have
stopped working so suddenly.

I still have all the accessories and retail box and everything that
came with it.

Help me please.

You can contact me here : biz @ ird . com

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