Since I happen to have a shielded RF test enclosure in front of me with
an access point and a Squeezebox in it, here are the actual numbers. I
have the computer wired directly to the squeezebox, and squeezebox
connecting to the access point with bridging enabled.

First, ping the Squeezebox directly over ethernet:
# ping -f -c 10000 -q
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10000 packets transmitted, 10000 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.165/0.214/1.760/0.038 ms

Now ping the access point through the squeezebox:
  # ping -f -c 10000 -q 
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10000 packets transmitted, 10000 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.266/1.945/10.717/0.456 ms

And now with big packets to the squeezebox:
  # ping -f -c 10000 -q -s 1460
PING ( 1460 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10000 packets transmitted, 10000 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.410/0.525/1.950/0.045 ms

And to the access point:
  # ping -f -c 10000 -q -s 1460
PING ( 1460 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10000 packets transmitted, 10000 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 2.129/2.857/12.592/0.396 ms

And for good measure, the loopback:
(31% packet loss?!? this is on macos)
  # ping -f -c 10000 -q -s 1460
PING ( 1460 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
10000 packets transmitted, 6813 packets received, 31% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.017/0.022/0.104/0.005 ms

Taking the averages and subtracting the loopback we get:

SB 56B: 192 us
AP 56B: 1923 us
SB 1400B: 503 us
AP 1400b: 2835 us

And now you can work out all sorts of things...

The difference in transmission time for 1400B vs 56B @ 100Mbps == (1400
- 56) * 8 * 10 ^ -8 == 108 us. Multiply by two for the rtt == 216 us.

503 - 192 - 216 == 95 us. That is the amount of extra work done
somewhere, probably mostly on the computer's side for copying to/from
the ethernet chip, to handle a large packet versus a small one. There
is also some time spent verifying IP checksums on both sides.

The transmission time for 56 bytes (plus preamble and frame headers ==
56 + 28 == 84 bytes) would be 84 * 8 * 10 ^ -8 == 7 us. So we can see
that the 192 us ping time for a small packet is dominated by os and
application overhead: 192 - 7*2 = 178 us

If we take the 95 us of overhead for response time difference between
big packets and small packets through the ethernet link, and subtract
that from the difference between big packets and small packets through
the wireless+ethernet path, then we can work out the transmission speed
of the wireless:

2835 - 1923 - 95 = 817 us. Divide by two since that's both directions
== 409us.  And to get the data rate: (1400-56)*8 bits per 409 us ==
26.3 Mbps.

Now test this by doing a file transfer through the SB+AP to another
computer (both directions):

# scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bigfile .
bigfile         100% 10MB  3.3MB/s 00:03

# scp bigfile [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/bigfile 
bigfile         100% 10MB  3.3MB/s 00:03

3.3*8 == 26.4 Mbps... nifty eh?

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