Hi! I'm a brand new SB3-user (just gotten mine last monday). One of the
more important reasons for me to buy the SB3 was to listen to premium
DI.fm channels where I have a subscription - you guess what, I have the
same issues as described here. I am a software developer, but I have
never touched a single line of Perl (but I have worked in quite a few
other languages). I'll try to make a summary of my experiences and
observations. First, my setup:

Debian Sarge, 2.4 kernel, MySQL 4.1 (not using the build in server).
SlimServer 6.5.1 and SB3 fw 72 (?). Perl v5.8.4 (I'm currently not at
home, can't log into the SlimServer).
That server is doing NAT for my network (one of its tasks) hooked to a
100mbit switch. A Linksys WRT54G router (NAT turned off here, it works
more like a switch now) provides wireless connectivity. I have a 6mbit
downstream and 768Kbps upstream (ADSL).

When playing a 192Kbps MP3 stream from DI I have very very frequent
interruptions, quite often after a few seconds. I tried buffer levels
from 3 seconds to the full 30 (and that takes ages). The right buffer
puls up to 10 seconds and sometimes the left one to 5 and then it
starts to drop. Sometimes it managed to stay stable for 30 seconds, but
then it drops and does not pick up again.
WinAmp managed to play that stream uninterrupted for hours and hours.

Now here are two interesting observations: a Windows Media stream at
128 Kbps, also from DI.fm, works quite well. I have listened to DI's
vocal trance for almost two hours last night and it only broke up once
of twice (which ain't too bad).
And #2: I downloaded ShoutCAST and installed it on my own PC. With the
plugin in WinAmp I streamed some MP3's to the shoutcast server at
320Kbps and listened to it with my SB3 without any problems. None, it
just flung to full buffers. Which tells me that the SB3 is technically
capable of playing streams from ShoutCast servers.

Andy, if you want I can try to set up a portforwarding at my server for
you, restricted to your IP, to a troublesome server. That will probaly
be some rude networking conditions (USA(?) -> Europe -> USA). Same goes
for access to the slimserver, restricted to your IP. Send me an e-mail
if you are interested - please put your IP-address in there ;).

Elissen's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9803
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=31359

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