thesil;175777 Wrote: 
> I am a mac person as well and I am supported by iTunes. In that case,
> what should I be ripping new tunes as?

Two good choices: Apple Lossless or .aiff. Squeezeboxes don't seem to
enjoy the former much: no ff or rew function, and it has to be
transcoded on the fly to something they can read natively. However, it
takes up no more space than FLAC (which has no such problems, but which
iTunes and iPod can't play at all.).

Aiff, on the other hand, takes up about twice as much space as ALAC,
but otherwise handles better because Squeezebox can read it natively.
It does not need to be transcoded. FF and REW work, and there's much
less burden on the server because there's no transcoding being done (so
less likelihood of dropouts if you're using a slow old box like mine to
run Slimserver). If you run the SB on a wireless network using Airport
Extreme you may find that you get drop outs using Aiff if your house is
nasty to it, in which case try setting up an Airport Express as a
wireless/ethernet bridge (ie the AE receives the signal but transfers
it to the Squeezebox via ethernet cable). I use this setup, with aiff,
and it runs extremely well (but you need lots of disc space - ie 600Mb
or so on average per CD).

Loads of threads on aiff/alac/flac etc. Try this one:


geraint smith
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