egd;183920 Wrote: 
> Basically, IMHO I think home/SOHO NAS solutions are currently a joke and
> cannot be relied upon for reliably storing data.
While something is definitely not right with your present arrangement,
imho condemning all home/SOHO NASs is a huge overstatement. My
experience (with Buffalo LinkStation HG, definitely at the low end of
the NAS market) and that of many others has shown that these little
NASs do a good job at their intended purpose: providing network storage
for small networks. And they are as reliable as other hard disks, which
means that yes, they will die some day. 

Just from reading other posts, it seems that a lot of the performance
and other problems come along with the more "advanced home" NASs that
have RAID and such. Because users paid more, expectations are higher,
and RAID makes things considerably more complicated. I've yet to
understand the fad for RAID in most home settings -- how critical is it
that home users not suffer any down time in the inevitable-though-rare
event of a disk crash? Granted, office situations are a different

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