I've been on Last.FM since the days of it being Audioscrobbler, and I've
loved it from the get-go. They've made remarkable strides since their
beginning, though the social networking stuff they've focused on, at
least to me, has been kind of silly. Music recommendations I can use,
but the "friends" stuff is just trying to reinvent myspace. What the
world needs now is not another myspace.

A corporate buyout makes me very disheartened, particularly from a
big-media nasty like Viacom. One wonders how long things like the
AudioScrobbler and Last.FM plugins will be allowed once the DRM-loving
corporate-heads get behind this.

I was randomly thinking today about not only how much I like having a
device-independent listening statistics tracker like Last.Fm, but how
much I depend on its continued existence. Here's crossing my fingers
that the status quo remains.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"
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