notanatheist wrote:
> Interesting that you state the Sonos is better at multi-room sync. In
> what way is it better than the SB2/3? I have 3 SB units at home and
> regularly sync/unsync them. The only thing I can think of that could be
> considered a 'hiccup' is the current track restarts. Not enough to
> bother me though. 
> Does the Sonos give you web control as well? Is the remote RF or WiFi?
> I find it convienant to be sitting at a computer and just pop up the
> web interface to make changes to the volume and playlist on the fly
> without searching for the remote.
> I certainly agree on the display issue though. It is nice to see what
> is actually playing on the screen and/or have other information at your
> fingertips like the date/time/weather, visualizations, track info, or
> custom text welcoming people. Not exactly something the Sonos can do.
> Squeezebox obviously gives you far more freedom to setup your device
> however you please and is not tied to any particular platform.

I may be an atheist, but I've had regular situations where the synced 
SB3's weren't very well synced. I'm using wireless, so perhaps that's 
the problem. Or you could be right and it's just god trying to get back 
at me for not believing in him/her.


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