nico;188361 Wrote: 
> Ultimately it ended up discarding the packet and not forwarding it to
> the server (because it's really not a proper http request). 

It is a proper HTTP 0.9 request.

> 4. what happens now? does the server connect back to the client to
> stream the music? or does it send a control message on the
> already-establised 3483 socket telling the client what to play, then
> the client initiates the connection to the server on tcp:9000 and
> requests the audio stream?

The client and server already have a connection on 3483.  It should
send a "STRM" command to the client telling it to fetch the next file. 
The client then would make a request to port 9000 for the next file. (It
would do this whether using the web interface or the remote... remember
the client has no clue what a playlist is.)

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