To cut down on the amount of energy I'm burning on useless things, I'd
like my PC to enter Standby mode after a period of time.  Within
seconds of going into Standby, however, my "powered-off" Squeezeboxes
wake it right back up again.  If I unplug the Squeezeboxes from the
network, the PC stays on Standby until I plug one in again.  I'm
guessing this might have something to do with the clock updates to the

I'd like Squeezebox to reawaken the PC only if I use the remote
control, or if the alarm clock function fires.  Is there a way to do

The energy savings would be substantial.  My PC burns about 100 watts
when running (all the time), but only 3 watts on standby.

Thanks for the help.

Mike New
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