hickinbottoms wrote:
> If you have a server that doesn't run Windows, and want automatic
> off-site backups, then I recommend Box Backup:
> http://bbdev.fluffy.co.uk/trac/wiki
> Secure, encrypted, incremental backups to a remote location. Keeps old
> and deleted versions of files (until the store is full, in which case
> it starts removing the oldest 'old versions'), can run continuously and
> is very bandwidth efficient.
> The big advantage is that the server can be untrusted - it cannot
> decrypt the backups it holds as the clients keep the keys and encrypt
> the traffic before uploading. Perfect for backing up to a friends house
> or another server you can't trust.
> It's saved my bacon a few times over the last couple of years.
> And it's free and open source. Note that although the server can't be
> Windows-based, clients can be. One server can also keep separate backup
> stores for any number of clients.

That looks very interesting. In fact I've tried to talk a colleague into 
writing something like this quite some time ago. The encryption part 
that allows backups to be stored on a friends server without privacy 
issues is very cool and was part of my idea as well.

Thanks for the link.


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