robinm wrote:
> I'm loosing the connection to my SB's and getting breakup on the sounds.
> I want to get a better signal from my SB's and not get any breakup. Any
> ideas?
> My situation: I have 2 squeezebox's on the ground floor, wifi through
> the house, a PC on 1st floor with wifi (only sometimes on) and my own
> PC in the loft that is permanently on and directly connected to the
> wifi router. This PC runs the slimserver.
> I tried moving the router about but it only seems to offer a few
> percent improvements ie 40 - 50 percent signal. I seem to remember I
> was getting 70 percent.
> I tried expanding the buffer to 30 seconds but it just takes an age to
> start, plays for 30 seconds and then starts stuttering.
> I could move the router to the center of the house but then the server
> would be using the wifi rather than talk over a wire. Not sure if this
> would help.

In a slightly similar situation I put an extra Wireless Access point on 
the 2nd floor, I had an Apple Airport Express lying around. My house is 
about half wired so it was fairly easy to connect that to the router. 
Others have had success with powerline networking.


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