You're right to point out that Slim Server has a synchronization

Search is not working in the forums right now, so I can't point to the
thread I participated in where the extreme shortcomings of the feature
were reviewed.  Summary:  Synchronization works by putting every device
in "Pause" before the beginning of each song, and then sending "Unpause"
to every device.  At computer speeds, you'd think this would be enough,
but it really works very badly in practice.  It presumes that all
devices are similar enough in response to commands, buffering, and
latency, and that turns out to be totally untrue.

With a mix of Roku Soundbridge which emulates Squeezebox 1, Softsqueeze
and Squeezebox devices, the differences end up being up to FIVE SECONDS
between the devices.

With internet radio, there is often no detectable song boundary to
pause upon, so that implementation simply does not work at all.

To do a proper synch, one needs synchronized time between all devices
to the milisecond level, the ability to establish, and sometimes
correct the latency between when a sound sample is received and when it
actually makes it to the ears of the listener, and finally the way to
unobtrusively stall a stream, or catch up in silences to bring out of
synch streams into synch.  This all must be done continuously, is a
difficult problem, and is not anywhere near being implemented.

With regards to the failures I've been experiencing, I do intend to
query the forum and advertise the symptoms as soon as search comes back
up.  I've looked in a couple likely threads, but it looks like a couple
months have gone by without people really understanding the issue.

I'll mention in passing another observation relating to the fragileness
of Slimserver:  Sometimes problems are not accounted for explicitly. 
They mysteriously come and go after new releases.

In a sense it's unreasonable for me to expect every problem can be
traced to its root cause.  The server has grown to sufficient size and
complexity to prevent this.  Yet, I hold out hope that the internal
structure of the server would evolve so that core functionality was
dedicated to small, well understood routines, and well understood
interfaces and that basic problem manifestations like:

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