Get over it. Logitech IS Slim Devices. Period. Hopefully a professional
programmer can finally give Slim Server and Soft Squeeze (and other
plug-ins written by amateur programmers) the slick feel that these
EXPENSIVE electronics need.

I am chomping at the bit to order a Transporter (having auditioned a
Squeezebox). While the hardware is first class, the software is
two-bit. It works okay, but you must be fairly computer geeky to
understand what is going on. Slim Server looks just plain ugly.

Slim Server, as it sits now, would be a call-line, tech-help mess for
Logitech. If they are smart, they will do a major interface fix on Slim
Server before they try to mass market their devices to the Best Buy

This will, of course, not set well with the current, geekified
enthusiasts. However, remember this. You are not Logitech's market. You
already own one.

Let me add, that I too can be a geek. I like being a geek when I want
to be a geek. I don't like being a geek when incomplete software forces
me to.

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