At one point in time I too suffered like you. 
Then I noticed it was only when playing music that I was suffering from
dropouts. Make that when streaming music it was most noticeable. 

After numerous tech support calls, I found out that it had to with the
network dropping packets. 

The tech support people had me go into my router software/firmware and
adjust a couple of settings. They made me upgrade to the latest version
of the firmware, change my Threshold setting and then had me change the
MTU setting. 

Once that was done, I nevered suffered from dropouts again. 
My connect has been stable ever since. 

Maybe you learn from my pain..

1) Upgrade your routers firmware
2) Call the tech support people and see if they can tell you about the
threshold and mtu settings and how to change them.

It worked for me.

I'm running windows xp sp2, linksys wrt54g router and 6.5.1

I hope this helps

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