Thanks BPA. The log that I posted was from 6.5.2.  I experienced the
identical issue - m4a's take 15 seconds to start playing after pressing
play while mp3's start playing instantaneoulsy - under 6.3.1, 6.5.0 and
6.5.1 (historically, prior to upgrading to Vista, I had been using
6.3.1, as I had issues the first time I installed 6.5.0 with XP, so I
simply reverted back to what had been working).  When I changed just
yesterday from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2 to see if that would solve the issue,
instead of taking 15 seconds to start playing, the m4a's simply didn't
play at all.

I've also just tested 6.5.0 without McAfee installed - same problem.

Could I perhaps e-mail you text files of the debug reports when I try
to play the same file under 6.3.1, 6.5.0, 6.5.1 and 6.5.2? Maybe that
could shed some light on the issue. If you're okay with that, send me
an e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks.

Matt Shelton
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