egd;192916 Wrote: 
> >   > a  > 
  - I have two PCs, two NAS devices and two SB3s networked via an
  > unmanaged gigabit switch, all with hardcoded IPs using the
  > 192.168.168.x range.
  - The SB3s are located outside of the study and take their audio
  > feed from one of the NAS devices located in my study.
  -  Slimserver is running on one of the PCs
  - The wired link between my study and SB3s is provided by three
  > Ethernet over Power connectors.
  -  Each of my PCs is connected to the Internet via a broadband
  > router linked to a 2nd NIC with IP assigned by the router's DHCP
  > and takes the form of 192.168.1.x
  -  The 192.168.168.x range is not exposed to the Internet and I
  > want to keep it that way> > 
> Everything works nicely.

By "not exposed", can we assume you mean that the .168.x network has no
means of contacting the outside world?  So your SB3s can't use
Squeezenetwork, for instance?  Why is that desirable?  What you need to
worry about is the outside world contacting your internal machines,
which is easily done protected against is usually handled by your
router/firewall by default.

This setup seems overly complicated.  I don't see the need for two
subnets and two NICs in the PCs.

> >   > 
  - Same as above, except I want to add a WAP in the lounge so that
  > we can surf etc from our laptop
  - If technically feasible I also want to add a 2nd WAP in the
  > lounge to interact with the SB3 via a Nokia N800 or something
  > similar> > 

Why two wireless access points?  The SB3s do 802.11g, so they shouldn't
negatively affect throughput of the wireless network, and the 54GB+/-
will likely be much faster than your Internet connection, so all of the
devices maxed out simultaneously shouldn't be starved for bandwidth.

> To solve point 1 above I did the following (after consulting with the
> vendor):
> >   >   > 
  - purchased a Wireless Ethernet over Power connector and installed
  > in lounge
  - connected broadband router to gigabit switch
  - configured wireless Ethernet over Power connector to accept IP
  > from broadband router's DHCP.  Broadband router assigns
  > to the wireless Ethernet over Power connector> > 
> Outcome is that Internet is now accessible from the Lounge, however:
> >   >   > 
  - devices in the the 192.168.168.x network become inaccessible to
  > one another as soon as the wireless connectivity is established ie
  > it pretty much looks like I can have the one or the other
  > operational, but not both.
  - I have connected the broadband router to the switch with and
  > without an Ethernet over Power connector in between - both options
  > give me an active WAP and seemingly kill connectivity for
  > 192.168.168.x> > 
> Any ideas as to how to get the two to coexist (the vendor
> specifically said I could run both networks on the same power line
> infrastructure)?

Simplify.  Use just one subnet.

I'd set up the Squeezeboxes and laptops to use DHCP from the router. 
The NASs and the PC running SlimServer would probably be best served
with static addresses.  The router shouldn't allow any uninitiated
inbound traffic to reach any of your internal machines.  If a machine
initiates a connection to the outside, then any return traffic will be
allowed through, which is what you have going on right now on the 1.x


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