On 4/10/07, btcompute
> Hi,
> I'm trying to tune in WZLX (www.wzlx.com) on the squeezebox.
> I can listen using my web browser using:
> http://cbsplayer.streamtheworld.com/?CALLSIGN=WZLXFM
> mikesradioworld.com says pretty much the same thing:
> javascript:wzlx=void(window.open('http://player.streamtheworld.com/CBS/?CALLSIGN=WZLXFM','wzlx','width=600,height=360,top=30,left=30'))
> Strip out the code to open a new window, and the url is the same.
> Can anyone help me with this?

This is a Flash-based stream.  The audio data is embedded in the swf
file.  URLSnooper doesn't show any auxiliary audio streams apart from
the Flash.  I don't believe you'll be able to get the SqueezeBox to
play this directly.

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