Harry G;194109 Wrote: 
> Does anyone know for sure what the legal status is for giving some of
> your music files to a friend?

Assuming you are in the US, I think other posts have it correct.
However here in Canada, if I understand the law correctly, it is legal
to make a copy of music (and only music, not movies, not books) for
personal use. The law does not specify that you must own the media you
are copying from.

Thus, for example, it would be legal for me to visit a friend's house,
and using his equipment (but my own blank media), make myself a copy of
one of his CDs, and take it home. However, it would be illegal for him
to copy his own CD then give me the copy. The essence is in who
performs the copying.

Thus I believe (but I'm not a lawyer) that it would be perfectly legal
for me to borrow a CD from the local library and make a copy for
myself. As soon as I give it away to someone else, it becomes illegal.

Any Canadian lawyers in the house? :-)


SB3, B&W DM602 S3s, bi-amped from Cyrus III and Cyrus Power
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